I could not ask for much more at my new job at Trucker Huss. The people I work with are very nice. The attorneys are all experts in employee benefits, so there is always someone to bounce an idea off. I have a variety of interesting work from Fortune 500 Companies to small start ups to charities, and my office is 1/2 a block from a BART station.
But what I want to brag about is the Fruit Guy. Every Monday a box is dropped off at the office from the Fruit Guy. Inside you will find your standard fare of fresh fruits including bananas, oranges, tangerines, pears and a variety of apples. There has also been something special in the box each week, such as passion fruit, flavor king plums or Asian pears. Yesterday, I started my new work week by eathing a crisp and juicy Asian pear. This morning I am having a banana and a tangerine.
Maybe I obsess about good food too much. But, I think it is a nice perk.
Fall Baby Shower | Welcome Little Pumpkins
7 years ago