I am seriously thinking about purchasing a Manny Ramirez Dodger jersey. In fact, my new favorite number may be 99. A red 99 on the front of a Dodger's jersey is, well, -- beautiful!
I remember seeing Manny in a Dodger uniform for the first time. I was traveling for a job interview, and I had been so busy chasing contacts and catching up on changes in employee benefits law that I had not even noticed that he was traded -- and BAM! -- I look up at a television screen at an airport restaurant and I see Manny hit a home run -- and he is wearing a Dodger's uniform -- and he is jogging around the bases in a Dodger's uniform -- and I squint my eyes closed and open them again because how could it be true -- but it is -- Manny is now receiving high-fives from other Dodgers and he is still in a Dodger uniform and its, well -- beautiful.
The Dodger's have had their share of good hitters before, but nobody like Manny Ramirez. Usually, this caliber of hitter is wearing pinstripes and when they come up to bat I feel knots in my stomach and tightness in my neck (I think sometimes I would even say little prays for pot-bellied Fernando Venezuela to strike the evil pinstriped monster out).
I can't wait to go home and watch Manny tonight. The Cubs truly are cursed. It is the only way I can explain that Manny is in a Dodger uniform. He is there to beat the Cubs.
And while watching Manny work a pitch count is truly fine art, I do find myself saying little prayers in the back of my head again. Please, please, please baseball gods, do not let the New York Yankees make him into an evil pinstriped monster next year.
Manny deserves a some more fun in the sun in Chavez Ravine (aka Dodger Stadium).
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