I love hearing Ellie tell people all about life as if she were the all-knowing expert. For example, tonight we are driving home from her play date and she askes me who I am going to vote for in the 2008 Presidential election. Instead of telling her that it is complicated, I selected John McCain.
Ellie then said, "Is he for making it go up or down?"
"Make what go up or down?" I responded.
"You know, how much they are going to spend on stuff!" she shot back as if I was bullheaded for even having to ask.
I paused, then told her that I hope he makes it go down.
"Me too," she said. Maybe she understands more than I think!
Fall Baby Shower | Welcome Little Pumpkins
7 years ago
You are one blogging family! Are any of the lettes planning to get into the act? Well, I guess they're in it whether they want to be or not, eh?
I need the "body for life" inspiration, too. Good luck third time around. Must be hard when your wife is such a good cook. I need to take off about 10 myself, but have trouble sticking to the exercise. I'm not sure what 10 or 9 of 10 means, but I would probably be capable of a 3 or 4 maybe. Maybe you can inspire me!
Sorry to hear you picked McCain, but if he can make it go down, I would be happy, too. You have such bright children.
Looking for a job does pretty much suck. I'm doing the same. Hope the SF interview leads to an offer. I know some people in California that would welcome you with great enthusiasm, and then I'd have only one plane ride to cover a lot of relatives!
We have tried to encourage Maddie and Katie to "guest" blog on our sites, but they have been away at camps so much that it has not fit into their agenda. Especially since their agenda was mostly sleep and recover. Good luck on your job hunt.
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