After each of our kids were born, they each basically slept on my chest listening to daddy's heart beat at night for about six weeks. After about six weeks, it is usually time for Mom and Dad to recaputure some privacy in bed and the baby is moved to the basinette. With Madison, Katie and Jonathan, we were also very strict about them sleeping in their own beds at about 6 months old. While I have a California King size bed, I do not believe in a La Leche League family bed. I have always been very strict about this.
Our youngest daughter Ellie is now six years old (not six months old!) and still manages to sleep with us most nights. And I admit it is my fault. Shelley did everything right. But you see Ellie is a sly and masterful cuddler. When she climbs on my lap, she lays her head on me, smiles a smile of extreme cotentment, coos a little , tells me that she loves me, lays her hand on her face and closes her eyes. She's got me! She will also come cuddle me while I watch sports, even golf.
And get this evil trick of her's -- while Ellie is sound asleep, if I whisper in her ear that I love her, she smiles, just briefly, and then her little freckled face settles back into expressionless slumber. And to top it all off, she only smiles in her sleep when she hears my voice. You see what I mean, she is a little evil genious. She has destroyed all my defenses and I am powerless against her. So when she comes in at night, slips under the covers, kisses me on the cheek, lays down and wraps her little arm around my neck, (even though I know she is going to elbow me all night, steal my covers and make my back sore in the morning), I am happy she is there.
I mean what would you do?
No gems of wisdom here, we've had one (or more) kids in our bed since 1994. And we had a queen up until a year ago! But just to let you know, there's a hip new term for it now called "cosleeping". Doesn't that make it sound all enlightened and new age? Here all this time I thought it was just me being too lazy to put a stop to it.
I get it! I have always been a pushover for a snuggler. And get this, Marc -- one day these wonderful snugglers will grow up and bring their precious babies home to share. So, it just gets better and better. We are thinking we are due for a "snuggle fix" sometime real soon. Love you.
Don't ask me. . . I can't get Johnny out of my bed to save my life. I have even let my guard down enough that I am allowing him to wear only underpants when we aren't going anywhere. TOTALLY different than with my older kids. I think you just know when it is your last chance to cuddle and you don't want to waste it. I miss Ellie and her hand sniffing. Give her a snuggle for me.
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