And apparently my girls are not the only one's with this crush. Last night pre-release parties at local booksellers were the place to be. Hundreds of girls showed up, some dressed in prom dresses and others with home made tee-shirts expressing their affection for Edward the Vampire, or sometimes even for Jacob the slighted Werewolf. Bella, the heroine in the book chose Edward as her love, but some think she would have been better off with Jacob. Why? I don' t know, I'm just the Dad. You will have to read the books.

And take a look at some of the elaborate activities booksellers put on for their loyal customers last night:
Flower making, because...I don't know.

And what prom/book release could be complete without vampire black nails. Hey, if no ones making "Edward Black" nail polish, I thought of it first.

And now, armed with their prom pictures, blood red flowers, bookmarks and Edward Black nails, both my babies are holed up in their rooms still awake trying to make it to the final page.
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