Sunday, July 20, 2008

2 for 1 Special -- Stop Junk Mail and Save the Environment

Remember when the "do not call" list came out? I immediately went online and signed up. To my astonishment, it worked! Solicitation calls became a thing of the past.

Today I signed up with GreenDimes to make JUNK MAIL go away!

  • The service is totally free;
  • No credit card information was required; and
  • GreenDimes is even going to plant a tree, on my behalf, to improve the environment.

With the free service, the company sends me the information for me to perform a DIY scrub from mailing lists. If money wasn't tight right now, I probably would have signed up for the pay services and have GreenDimes do the scrubbing for me.

I think this service is so great that I put the GreenDimes banner at the bottom of my blog. Scroll down and check it out! This is some real JiggyIntel!

This is fun. You get to help the environment, stop your junk mail and have a new tree planted on your behalf -- all by GreenDimes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out on GreenDimes! I work with the company and edit our new GreenDimes and TONIC blog: TONIC News Network

Your endorsement is awesome. Let me know if you have any questions about your junk mail reduction!


Becca said...

Thanks for this oh, so helpful info! Now hopefully I'll stop getting 300 junk email a day!

Anonymous said...

You are just full of jiggy intel. Thanks for the GreenDimes info. I will be so happy to contribute to the reduction of tree killing for pesky junk mail. I thank you, my recycling service thanks you, and the guys who have to lift my recycle bin thank you!